Manure Spreading

Drag Hose | Tractor and Tanker | Trucking | Agitation

Manure is a valuable resource when managed properly with the right equipment and timing. We are fully insured and our operators are licensed by OMAFRA.

Drag hose

Currently equipped with two drag hose systems, broadcast spreading booms, capable of pumping over a mile away, benefits of drag hose are reduced compaction and increased speed of application, can work with all types of holding pits ( slat barns, raceway barns, round pits, lagoons etc)
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Tractor and tanker

Husky 5300 Canadian gallon tandem axle:
top spread, flotation tires

Nuhn 4000 Canadian gallon tandem axle
top spread, floatation tires
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Peterbilt 320 trucks with Husky 3800 canadian gallon tanks
for long distance hauling, floatation tires, high road speeds
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Many methods of agitation available from Houle pumps with propellers, to stick propellers with raceway capabilities.
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